2007-2008 Hunting Season Update
This year we report 7 bucks were taken in all by club members and the Sutton family! Those who scored were: Pieter Wolfe (5 & 3 pointer),
Jon Reickert (8 points), Jim Greene (7 points), Jay Sharkey (8 points) and two spikes one by Scott Hennessy and one by George Peutter.
Congratulations! As you know Alice passed away on November 6, 2007 and at the last picnic she again thanked all club members for their past generosity
and wished we all could get a deer. It was a very sad day for me and for everyone who knew and loved her! I and every member of this club
past and current will miss her greatly and she will never be far from our thoughts as we walk and hunt the farm and mountains a place so
dear to her heart. The club donated $250 in her memory to the Greenville Library per her wishes. A few things decided at our last meeting were 1) Membership will remain at our current number of members; 2) To continue the raffle; 3) To
continue our donation to Good Tidings & Jay for seeding the fields; 4) Continue the basket of cheer raffle at the picnic; 5) Amend club
rules to take bucks with more than 2 points on one side and allow does' to be taken again with issued DMP's for our area; and 6) To keep the
existing officers. DAVE MARCY Here are the minutes for the 2007-2008 Hunting Season.